Category Archives: Crime

The War on Guns

If you are one of those people who secretly enjoys each new high-profile shooting, believing it’s going to bring the U.S. closer to banning firearms, don’t get your hopes up. America will always have guns. It cannot control guns any more successfully than it has controlled drugs or illegal immigrants. It has been estimated that […]

Ballad of the Green Pear

Too bad Johnny Cash never got to meet Daniel R. Luke. The Man in Black could have taught Danny boy the meaning of hard time. On Dec. 5, 2010, Luke broke into his ex-wife’s Northeast Portland home and tried to strangle her while his two young sons were there. The police arrived and arrested him. […]

Lessons in Faking It

Three University of Oregon basketball players, who crowded into a bathroom with a drunken young woman and treated her like a glory hole, thought she was being a good sport. “It seemed like she was cool with it …,” Dominic Artis is quoted as saying in a Eugene Police Department report, referring to the UO freshman […]

Our Misplaced Outrage

White supremacist groups probably score a few more sympathizers every time the American media explode in outrage over a racist comment. What must a white guy think when he finds that even private, negative thoughts about blacks are not allowed? It could make a guy seethe. Especially if he can’t find a decent job, can’t […]

Slumming in Portland

As Kenny Rogers might have put it: A hammer fell down on a 44-primer, now there’s one less problem in Southwest Portland tonight. If a recent officer-involved shooting in Portland had occurred in the city’s north end, specifically the scrappy St. John’s area, it would’ve been ripe for a rapper. But it happened in comfortable […]

Grab Your Guns! America Is Sinking!

Did you know that the Girl Scouts of America is a pro-abortion organization? It’s amazing what you can learn after attending a state legislative hearing on a proposed gun law. Of course, the best thing about any new proposed gun law is the entertainment factor. For all the gun laws we have – and we […]

Mau-Mauing Trader Joe’s

Coming soon to the corner of Martin Luther King Blvd. and Alberta Street in Northeast Portland: The MLK Felon Recovery and Residential Center. Now that’s the kind of project the Portland African-American Leadership Forum might get behind (as long as forum leaders get in on the action). Anything is better than a popular grocery-store chain […]

Bullied by a Trendy Crime

The identity of the shooter in the Sparks, Nev., school killings hadn’t been released before a popular excuse was quickly invoked: He had been bullied. “There has to be an end to this bullying. It is the responsibility not only of the parents but also the schools have to put a stop to this. Bullying […]

Keep ‘The Dean’ and His Size 13

For the first time since he murdered a police officer 21 years ago, Sidney Dean Porter might know what it’s like to gasp for life. He was supposed to be released from prison in June, courtesy of the Oregon Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision who voted unanimously earlier this year to free him. But […]

King and ‘the Gangstahs’

What happens to a dream deferred? Ask anyone. We’ve all had dreams deferred. Langston Hughes asked if a dream deferred festers like a sore — and then runs, or does it stink like rotten meat, or sag like a heavy load. What he led up to in his poem Harlem was that a dream deferred […]