Category Archives: Crime

The Crisis Next Door

The woman on the phone wants to kill Robert Kennedy. “He needs to be hooked up on life support until he has eaten every bit of his flesh,” she says slowly. She has given it serious thought. This woman obsesses about all of the Kennedys. “I have a theory about Karen Carpenter. She isn’t really […]

Questions for the Living

If you were murdered, would you want your killer executed? Murder can be a terrible way to die. Even if it’s quick – and it often isn’t – murder is a crime that is stuck on rewind. The killer can revisit his victim’s final moments in his mind anytime he wants to. He can relive […]

Held Hostage by Delusions

Now that Occupy Portland is looking for a new place to crash, it’s eyeing a relationship with Portland State University students. Carrie Medina, social media liaison for Occupy Portland, told the PSU Vanguard, that if Occupy Portland doesn’t set up tents on the South Park Blocks near the school, it might place information stations on […]

We’ve All Been Groped

Of course Herman Cain has tested the waters – and not just in the Republican race for president. By his age, how many men haven’t chanced what they thought might be an easy piece of tail? Ask any woman who has reached middle age if she has ever had a man touch her in a […]

Getting Squishy on Crime

June Buck, with her curly grey hair and thin, gentle voice looks and sounds like the retired Medford school teacher that she is. When she speaks, though, she pushes a lie: Oregon has failed to invest in schools. Buck spoke briefly at the second hearing of the Commission on Public Safety.  She suggested that schools […]

Deep in the Heart of Oregon

Have you ever been the victim of a crime? Was an arrest made? Could you even get the police to take a report? These are not questions that concern the Commission on Public Safety. What they want to know is: How can they persuade ordinary citizens in Oregon that crime is all in their heads? […]

Troy and Tookie Live On

In the split-second eternity when the needle connected with his arm, Troy Davis may have appreciated at last what happened to Mark MacPhail. Perhaps Davis finally realized what death is: He wouldn’t be here to see the news about his own execution. Davis died a humane death with loved ones nearby. But because he was […]

The Man Who Walked Into A Door

Evelyn Decker would’ve been 18 years old when Newsweek published its infamous 1986 cover story, “Too Late for Prince Charming?” warning females that “a single, 40-year-old woman had a better chance of being killed by a terrorist than getting married.” It would take Newsweek 20 years to apologize for being incorrect, but by then many […]

Visiting a Bad Neighborhood

Wealth doesn’t always trickle down, but poverty can metastasize in all directions. People know that. It makes them fearful, which is why so many Americans on this Labor Day are careful to say, “I’m just thankful I have a job.” Never mind if the job serves a useful purpose, or if it pays less than […]

Guilty, But Who Cares?

Three men admit they killed three 8-year-old boys and walk free, cheered on by celebrities and well-wishers. President Barack Obama’s administration announces that it will allow illegal immigrants facing deportation the chance to stay here and apply for a work permit. Two separate events in the same week that carry a similar message: Laws don’t […]