Category Archives: Media

Garrison Keillor’s History Project

On this day in history something awful happened, and nobody remembers it anymore – except Garrison Keillor. And on this day in history something significant happened that changed lives, and nobody remembers it anymore – except Garrison Keillor. Also on this day, a poet, a novelist, a scientist, a musician, a politician was born. No […]

Crime and Apathy

Winston Moseley died last week in a New York prison, and in an unusual twist it was his victim’s name that people instantly remembered – not his. And his victim wasn’t even a celebrity. Kitty Genovese was a 28-year-old bar manager in New York City and had just gotten off work early one morning in […]

Young Fascists Colonize Portland

She was a picture of Aryan perfection: Blonde hair, the color of straw. Creamy complexion. Pale eyes. Thin, colorless lips. Blonde on blonde on blonde. She followed me into the Saffron Colonial Cafe in North Portland where I had taken a seat for a late Sunday lunch. “I want you to know that what you said […]

Heathens in The Grotto

The New York Times ended the year with the story and video of Farkhunda Malikzada, a young Afghan woman beaten to death and  desecrated by a mob of men because they believed she had burned a Quran. Not surprisingly, some Times’ readers rushed in to remind us that Nazis, Communists and American race-based lynch mobs […]

San Bernardino: America’s Future?

SAN BERNARDINO – This hellhole used to be my playground. It says something about this city that in the days after 14 people were killed and 21 injured in a terrorist attack, some folks here were hoping the media attention might help San Berdoo turn around. A year from now when the media revisit for […]

Dr. Carson’s Remedy

What a shame Ben Carson doesn’t have the street cred of rapper Young Thug. The media might have treated the retired neurosurgeon and presidential candidate with more respect when he suggested that crime victims should fight back. Carson was portrayed as another loony tune Republican when he made his suggestion after a mass shooting earlier […]

‘Stay Mad Normie Scum’

Too bad Pope Francis didn’t visit America a week later. He could have used the killings at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., to denounce guns – and abortion. The Holy Father could have pointed to the killer’s apparent hatred of religion, then – working all angles – he could have drawn a connection between […]

America’s Black Whine

 Thank God for the NRA, or the media might have to contemplate the blood on their own hands in the creation of Vester Flanagan. As it is, the media will probably let Flanagan fade away much the same way they let Christopher Dorner disappear. Remember Dorner? He was the black, ex-Los Angeles police officer who […]

Lounging in the Life of the Mind

An alleged rape victim recently made headines when she won $800,000 in a settlement against the University of Oregon, but other news in the same backyard was barely noticed: Lane County District Attorney Alex Gardner, who declined to prosecute the alleged rape, resigned to become a state police captain. As one of the state’s workhorse […]

Obama’s Not-So-Amazing Grace

Barack Obama needs to spend some hard time with a bag whore. She – it’s usually a she but not always – could tell him about the violence that “nonviolent” drug offenders do to people. One bag whore in particular, if she’s still alive and lucid, could tell the president about the time she had […]