Questions for the Living

If you were murdered, would you want your killer executed? Murder can be a terrible way to die. Even if it’s quick – and it often isn’t – murder is a crime that is stuck on rewind. The killer can revisit his victim’s final moments in his mind anytime he wants to. He can relive […]

Held Hostage by Delusions

Now that Occupy Portland is looking for a new place to crash, it’s eyeing a relationship with Portland State University students. Carrie Medina, social media liaison for Occupy Portland, told the PSU Vanguard, that if Occupy Portland doesn’t set up tents on the South Park Blocks near the school, it might place information stations on […]

Preparing for Evolution

Antonio Zamora expects to wake up Monday morning in jail or on a park bench with a group of people. He could go to his mom’s place in Gresham, but what a letdown that would be after five weeks in Occupy Portland. “I have experienced real prosperity here,” the 26-year-old PCC student said, a couple […]

We’ve All Been Groped

Of course Herman Cain has tested the waters – and not just in the Republican race for president. By his age, how many men haven’t chanced what they thought might be an easy piece of tail? Ask any woman who has reached middle age if she has ever had a man touch her in a […]

Mother Earth’s Biological Clock

The earth’s seven billionth baby was born recently, and it turned out to be just another story of the week. Procreation is the most sacred of sacred cows for politicians and the media. Republicans are joined at the hip to the religious right, and the religious right dances around a male deity (who had a […]

Getting Squishy on Crime

June Buck, with her curly grey hair and thin, gentle voice looks and sounds like the retired Medford school teacher that she is. When she speaks, though, she pushes a lie: Oregon has failed to invest in schools. Buck spoke briefly at the second hearing of the Commission on Public Safety.  She suggested that schools […]

Dancing at the Revolution

If you’re going to do something radical, wear Brooks Brothers. You won’t just stop traffic, you’ll confound the status quo. Occupy Portland and the hundreds of other variations on New York’s Occupy Wall Street protest, need more ordinary middle-class employees. Many of them wear suits and are just as worried about America’s future. The men […]

Haugen’s Media Super Bowl

Hunter S. Thompson wasn’t on Death Row, so he had to take matters into his own hands. No attorneys, no media circus. Just a gun and a suicide note entitled “Football Season Is Over.” Thompson’s last words: “No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is […]

Deep in the Heart of Oregon

Have you ever been the victim of a crime? Was an arrest made? Could you even get the police to take a report? These are not questions that concern the Commission on Public Safety. What they want to know is: How can they persuade ordinary citizens in Oregon that crime is all in their heads? […]

More Kids Left Behind

There are two ways to shrink the achievement gap between black and white students: Increase the intelligence level of black students, or lower white students’ performance. The latter approach seems to be the direction we’re heading, especially in Oregon. It’s not surprising the state will likely apply for one of President Obama’s waivers to No […]