Gary Haugen’s Con Job

The only people guaranteed a humane death in the U.S. are the men and women on Death Row. The rest of us are at the mercy of disease, old age, drunken drivers, war, natural disasters, the list goes on. Some of us will be at the mercy of guys like Gary Haugen. Anyone can suffer […]

A Discriminating Landlord

Suppose black rapper Tyler, the Creator went apartment hunting in Portland, Ore., and encountered a landlord who detected thug tendencies in Tyler’s attitude. Suppose the landlord didn’t want to rent to him. Should that be a crime? But what if Tyler, the Creator rejected the landlord as too uptight and the neighborhood as too quiet […]

The Best and Brightest Charade

Either Portland Mayor Sam Adams has never read David Halberstam’s “The Best and  the Brightest,” or he has forgotten its message. The best aren’t always the brightest, and the brightest aren’t always the best. Nevertheless, according to Adams’ thinking, the city of Portland can now attract the “best and brightest” employees because the city’s insurance […]

Say Hello to Mr. Bobo

It’s hard to hear  about Congressman Anthony Weiner’s boxer shorts without thinking of the Honorable Judge John B. Gibson. The San Bernardino County Superior Court jurist was publicly rebuked for inappropriate behavior with female subordinates, which he dismissed as just joking. His signature gag was to wiggle his fingers through the folds of his judicial […]

A Transgendered Grandstand

Unemployment, gang shootings, poor high school graduation rates – there is no shortage of serious problems facing Portland, but Mayor Sam Adams has resources to waste on  expanding city employee health insurance to cover sex changes. Does Portland have a disproportionate number of city employees wanting transgender surgery? No. But Adams’ days as mayor are […]

The Price of Injustice

California has Arnold Schwarzenegger, New York has Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and here in Oregon we’ve got Dean Gushwa. A low-roller compared to the other two, Gushwa was still in a position as Umatilla County DA to strut like a bull among his female subordinates, one of whom finally accused him of rape when the sex turned […]

The Japanese Way to Prison Reform

The U.S. Supreme Court has given California two years to release or relocate 33,000 prison inmates. This is good news to those who think criminal justice reform is overdue. But how can we have criminal justice reform without reforming American culture? And how can we change American culture without offending someone’s civil rights? Mention prison […]

Who Forgives God?

Harold Camping’s Rapture flopped, but Michael Tolkin’s didn’t. While the media and Internet posters had fun with Camping, Tolkin’s 1991 movie, “The Rapture” was thought-provoking. It left viewers arguing, not laughing. In “The Rapture” a young woman named Sharon (played by Mimi Rogers) spends monotonous days working as a telephone operator and cruises L.A. by […]

The NRA vs. Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood needs a shot of testosterone, and I know just where they can get it: the National Rifle Association. For more than three decades abortion foes have whittled away at women’s reproductive rights while abortion supporters have compromised. Just earlier this month, House Republicans and 16 Democrats passed a bill that would limit abortions […]

Portland: Weird and White

It’s time Portland, Ore., got comfortable in its own skin, no matter what color that skin is. The city is proud of its reputation as the most liberal, quirky and livable city in America but can’t accept that prosperous black professionals may not be interested. “In Portland’s heart, diversity dwindles,” was the headline in The […]