Tag Archives: Mike Schmidt

What Could Go Wrong?

It’s hard to get excited over the insurrection in Washington D.C. after a year when rioting became acceptable in the U.S. If it’s OK to go on a rampage in service to Black Lives Matter, why can’t a QAnon freak like Jake Angeli roam the Senate floor showing off his bare chest, painted face and […]

Portland: A City of Nobodies

Here’s a glimpse into the future of law enforcement in Portland, Ore.: A hand-scrawled cardboard sign taped outside the wall of the Stevens-Ness Law Publishing Co., “Per Rico and Riot Ribs please don’t vandalize.” Will Portland’s nationally-recognized protests, which have included vandalism and looting, devolve into a protection racket? The Stevens-Ness store is a block […]

The Truth About Africa and Haiti

What a shit-storm over a question that deserves to be explored. Why should the United States take in immigrants from “shit-hole countries” like Africa and Haiti rather than from places like Norway? It’s hard to know what’s worse – that President Donald Trump was so indiscriminate in front of people he should’ve known would use […]